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  This page should be hidden from most observers, unless the author has offered the Resume and CV information to a specific individual. 

  Please respect personal privacy, for this information belongs only to those who need to know.

     Resume - MS-Word (33k)    -    Resume - PDF (7k)  

     Resume-Addendum - MS-Word (273k)   -    Resume Addendum - PDF (163k)

  My Resume is posted to assist in a Job Search and to assist Literary Agents and Publishers.  My extensive work in the Avionics field and Electronics has been listed while I continue studies and research on the projects that are listed in detail on these pages. The "Resume Addendum" is a detail of my aircraft experience. This is made to assist the Corporate HR representatives in identifying my skills and experience in aviation.

  My primary residence is in Panama City, Florida since March 2015, after moving from Independence, Kansas.


Steven Buren

26 W. Cooper Drive

Panama City, Florida 32404

Cell Phone:  850-832-2302


  I worked as an Electronics Technician in a Microchip Manufacturing factory that closed in December-2007. During the one year close down period in Colorado, the employment in Kansas was prepared for my quick transition. Essentially I was hired in Kansas, two months before I finished in Colorado.

  The Textron Corporation has a Cessna Aircraft division in Independence, where employment was vibrant, but has phased down from the recession. Since my seniority was low, my number was up on the fourth lay-off, and they eventually shut most of their production. All Jet production moved to Wichita, and they now only produce the propeller craft in Independence.

Projects are my hobby. There is not much time for anything else. The following is a rough list of a few of the most dominating and hopeful projects. If they seem interesting to you, a helper is always useful and appreciated.


Physics Book Study

The stories of the end of the Dinosaur Age always interested me, but it was obvious that the speculations never quite made completely valid statements. There were known false statements, and many critical pieces missing, and one theory would rarely combine well with another theory. To clarify this, I strongly recommend Dr. Kent Hovind's 7-DVD series at for $99 - A great presentation for many aspects of science.

I compiled my own assumptions into logic that seemed better, but none would fit all circumstances or existing facts. Then as my Bible study went more in depth, the sequence of events of creation seemed easier to comprehend. The Bible didn't fit many of the existing conventional theories, but it did have a complete sequence. A major problem was that it was difficult to understand a new (to me) theory interpreted from another language, with no parallel references. 

After locating a few key proofs that were new to conventional science, the reverse engineering of Earth with the new proofs made sense. All the critical factors had satisfactory solutions and followed the written Biblical pattern. When an existing conventional theory did not fit the new patterns, the existing theory's error became obvious. 

There are some undeniable examples in the fact that the Earth continents do assemble into a smaller sphere. It took me 18 months to see the completed pattern even when I knew it would work. My plaster model of 24" diameter, has all the continents with their continent shelves assembled in a perfect sphere with no missing, resized, or added pieces. There are several remarkable discoveries that are identified in this assembly that were not expected. When this concept gets a completed mapping and a larger model, the presentation will certainly generate a new perspective. Several Globe Manufacturers were approached to duplicate and detail my plaster model, but a 20k initial tooling fee plus the first thousand units is more than I can budget at this time. If there are any Artists or 3D-Graphics people interested in helping with this project, send an email.

The technical sequence of Creation unfolds in the book "Physics and Geology of Earth" in a true to text, three day uninterrupted construction of the raw planet. It astounded me, from the physics aspect that so many of the accepted conjectures are so politically dominated. These theories of "spinning core magnetism", "big bang", "black hole", "reversing magnetism", "sun spot origins", "global warming" and many other speculations were driving our politics, but scientifically incorrect in their base theory. This was not obvious at first, but startling when the right answers were found for those studies. I do acknowledge that the research and documentation done for those studies, provided much of the information needed to prove the new theories.

Since the information seemed urgent to correct the public viewpoint and open a forum to present this information, the book was written straight from data and studies. Therefore the reading is limited to those who already have a working knowledge of the existing Geology theories, as well as a good background in Physics. A better writing style should follow in a few years with a more detailed explanation to all the theoretical statements.

At this time, any serious questions can be covered at this website, or you can email the author for extensive information.

The Physics page link has a primary list of theories from "Physics an Geology of Earth" with greater details. The book is available at the online bookstores or from the author, by email request. 

Physics and Geology of Earth

Copyright January 30, 2006                                                    

Library of Congress Txu1-281-761    

There are 29 Theories and Proofs that should shed enough light on the studies of Physics and Geology to warrant more research. This summary is only an outline of the book that goes into much greater detail. The book also gives more minor discoveries that lead to the major pieces listed. The author welcomes any valid questions or discussions of the subjects in this website. 

Another book was completed from the former research of the Physics Study and continuing work, and is now published. This book is a religious centered study, that should have a great impact and interest for many readers. The details of "Treasures and Studies of the Bible, Revealing the Mysteries" is covered in greater detail in my Theology and Mysteries web pages. The title was changed to Revealing Bible Mysteries - Exploring the Bedrock of Religion.



There are over four decades of interest in electronics systems and gadgets.  Working on military aircraft with the associated schooling gave me a strong knowledge of the possibilities of designs. In high school there was a lot of tinkering and repair, but the military had better equipment and documentation.

For those who might be unfamiliar, a BBS Bulletin Board Service is the method of computer interconnect that existed before the Internet. You could call a phone number with your modem, and connect to another modem on a computer, and your screen would display an interactive menu that the BBS Operator created, and would allow you to copy or upload a file, read a text, and write a message on a chat board. Once upon a time, my BBS was set up for access to a good selection of shareware programs and files. About 1989 my BBS system was named Artronics; the name of my Electronics/Fiberglass Company based in Woodson Illinois and Austin Texas, then it all moved to Key West Florida. The BBS was great for local calls, but expensive for long distance, which is where the internet system made the difference when new laws allowed a single service that had a constant open line and the IP Address is coded in the servers like a phone number. Then when starting my internet website about 2005, the name Artronics was already taken by a company in Texas, so the website name became, and lasted until my move to Kansas. It was obvious that an unfamiliar word with a dash, was not easy to find on search engines, so that site was dropped and in 2012 restarted as

College was a good base for a lot of the technology that seemed more complicated than could be gleaned from books. They taught the standards and the rules for keeping the standards.  The time in college might be continued later, to fill in a few gaps. There is still an interest in getting information like "3D-Drafting and Animation", "Business Management", "Mechanical and Electrical Engineering", and a few other details that involve programming. These experiences could help to develop the ideas that are still in my project list.

Radio design has been an interest of mine since the mid 60's. There were many times of hanging out at the radio stations and watching the engineers tinker with all the intricate equipment. There is now a project that I've had for seven years that is almost completed.  It works with common FM radios to enhance the versatility of the receiver. That's a fancy way of saying "It's not patented yet, so I can't tell you". The project only needs programming and I/O transfer circuits, but that skill is vague to me, thus there is a need for college programming classes, but there are none in this city. When the book and other things get settled, I'll get back to working the radio project. Is anyone interested in helping out?



My father took me for a ride in his Cessna 120 about 1957 and asked me to steer the yoke. I was barely tall enough to see out the side window while seated and couldn't possibly reach the pedals. From that time, for many years I tried to understand the theory of flight. It could be calculated and designed into a machine, that part was comprehensive. The real effect that makes flight from a wing has several formulas and standard calculations that seemed incomplete. 

Working on Navy, Air Force, and Commercial Aircraft for over twenty years total, gave me a fair bit of expertise in the field.  There are so many types and designs for planes that it seemed odd that there wasn't a "best" design that didn't have obstacles or deficiencies. All the aircraft that I know have a basic concept, but all of them require additional design to overcome flaws and make them fully functional. The landing gear, cockpit visibility, and flight controls were always critical, but unique on each style of plane.

A basic list of Aircraft that I worked on and modified or built as an Electrician; 727, 747, 767, B-52, C-123, C-130, E-1, E-2, F-4, HU-25, T-37, T-38, Missiles - Harpoon, Cruise.

I probably worked on aircraft for five years before finding a better formula for lift. This was not the traditional formulas that the engineers use by calculating the differential airspeed of two surfaces. This one is a bit different, but gets the same answers to the calculations. The difference is that this method accounts and itemizes the drag effect for better reduction. The new perspective gives me ideas that allow for drastically different, and more stable and efficient aircraft concepts. The design that I chose has never been built, but it is intended to be done when time, funds, and location get together.


Home Design

The home building project on the property in Colorado has been scrapped due to the factory of my employment being relocated to China. The worksite of my employment has shut down and gone overseas. That put me in a mood to consider other areas as well as another job. We were given a two year notice on the shutdown, and that was a blessing for future planning.

I decided to retire after settling into a lower cost area and buying my home. So I moved to South-East Kansas with a job at Cessna, and bought an old place with a large garage and workshop. Now my book research is finished, and the promotion phase is beginning. What's next? I turned to an old love of the sea, and moved to Florida, where I hope that my future involves promoting Revealing Bible Mysteries to where it will be noticed as a valid study. 


Other Stuff

My part time project is rebuilding a 1977 Triumph Spitfire.  Check it out on the link.



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Copyright © 2004-2017 by Steven C. Buren. All rights reserved on all material on all pages in the Website and the book “Revealing Bible Mysteries” by Tate Publishing. For information or permission on reprinting material from, please contact the Author, Steven C. Buren. This text may be duplicated for use in classrooms and public speaking, provided the copyright origin information is added from this paragraph.

This page was last updated 08/15/17 by Steven C. Buren