We had some great discussions of baseball history that happened right here where these photos were taken. Famous players like Mickey Mantel, Satchel Paige, Cassey Stengle, and many others known as legends played here in games or exhibitions. Even Ruth, DeMagio, and many others were said to have played a nation wide barnstorming tour here. There were stories floating around from the local elders like a spin from a great movie. These people lived it right here, not just in the big cities, we have our own landmark, and the old timers can talk all day and never cover the same story twice. This place made it happen first. Our Mayor of Independence in 1930 insisted that we would make history at lighting this stadium, and he did it! They all did it, and no other place can claim that first.
For more detailed information contact Mark Metcalf of Independence, Kansas.
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We need to keep our landmarks, like the historical Baseball Stadium in Riverside Park in Independence. I see in many of our downtown businesses, that there is a pride to the style and character of the Pennsylvania Avenue buildings. This is a look of a heritage that is not discarded, but maintained and appreciated. Like London or Athens and many other more ancient landmarks, they never got their recognition from modernizing. If you want a modern style, there is plenty of room somewhere else. But the heritage is built in and appreciated by many who will not allow such disregard as is shown in vain renovations of classic sites. Our City council is now seeing a boom from the Pipeline contracts that started early last year. Before that time, we had nearly half of downtown empty. Those contracts will end in August 2014, and when the foreign wars end, you will have many thousands of troops unemployed and headed to their hometowns across the nation. Our downtown stores are now booming, but watch for the major changes at the end of this year. Times might get tough again, and we are saddled with a tax burden for trivial fluff that squanders our money for the education system that wants everything new. Demand that aspect of everything new for the downtown buildings and see what people think. There are several contact points on this webpage that can use your help, and most of what they need are voices to our public leaders that have locked their doors to keep their secrets. We have higher local taxes than Miami Beach Florida, yet our primary roads are not much better than the dirt roads I used to live on. The millions from taxes going into these schools is not for education, it is for contractors and planners. There are some brilliant students in this town, but there are a high quantity of the other students that can not read this page. The Shulthis Stadium was designed for Baseball and built during the Depression Era, on private land and by donated funds and local workers, then donated to our City for upkeep. All this Stadium Grandstand desperately needs is to be left alone and a touch of TLC. The restoration and maintenance can be done by volunteers that are willing to donate the funds, but we cannot pull it out from the rubble of a bulldozer. The committees that authorized these atrocities of destruction are tightly organized and viciously protective of their own decisions. They do not want our input, except for our tax money. If you have time, verify these findings and statements. Examine other cities that love their famous landmarks and promote them with astonishing public assemblies. We have such a unique opportunity to preserve history that generations will rejoice to see and use. Don't treat it like trash, it will never return. Steven C. Buren ...
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