Web-Link Favorites

Useful Web-Links for Hobbies & Professions






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  This page has a duel aspect of sharing some of my useful websites with you, and accessing these sites when at some other computer, where my favorites are not on their list. Share a link to your special site by email to the Author scburen@gmail.com - -

(A good submission will give a link, a line or 2 about the site & what category to place it)


  These links cover some long favorite searches and studies. Some may fall out of service, and this will be corrected when it is found. Feel free to send a notice of corrections to the Author, but show me exactly what & where there is a problem.

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  A Friend that helps critique some of my articles, & has a lot of info on the Marshall Islands, where he worked for decades. Check out his website for a most elaborate home info collection of pictures and history documents of his home town in Kansas. Everything from hunting to holidays and reunions. He is also an accomplished Professional Pianist, featured here at the Broadmoor Resort in Colorado Springs. He moved to Nebraska a few years back, and had a variety of music events in the North Platte area. He is now in the Kansas City area in Kansas & Missouri. The news and special entertainment he sends me each week in email attachments is one of my highlights of web surfing. 

This is also my original mentor for website building and hosting.

    Check his site for details.   http://www.shermiewiehe.com  

    He is also a member of the popular 14-piece + KC Dixieland band, http://www.kcdixieland.com.

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Some Handy-Dandy Websites that should open to a new window

These sites are selected for limited pop-ups and mostly free of annoying junk



My News and Weather Sources


     Newspaper The EPOCH Times - aims at Proper reporting the way it use to be

https://www.theepochtimes.com/c-middle-east   A 2019 entity, interesting on every page

My congregation subscribes to the Newspaper delivery, very well worth reading

  Their login required email & password = Sorry, I won't do this - Password is needed to enter comments

 .I gave email & location, nothing else - - Now I receive 10+ Daily Headline emails from Epoch Times


     National Weather Service & Satellite Links    

https://zoom.earth/maps/satellite/#view=34.702,21.223,6z              Europe Weather

https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/GOES/fulldisk.php?sat=G16      Atlantic Weather

https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/GOES/fulldisk.php?sat=G17      Pacific Weather

https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/GOES/                                        US Weather Sections


Tides at Panama City Florida - Government Tide Chart for the week

 (Note to Global Warmers - - Florida charts  - - NO CHANGES IN SEA LEVEL since early 1700s)



http://news.yahoo.com/                                                Yahoo News - - Far Left Liberal

- - Yahoo searches often Block the Theorybin Website - - can  you tell me why?


https://news.google.com/home?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en       Google News

https://www.politico.com/                                               Politico Europe News

https://www.newsmax.com/                                           Conservative US News

https://watch.org/                                                           Koenig World News

https://www.ynetnews.com/category/3082                    Israel News

https://townhall.com/                                                      Conservative US News


http://www.mrctv.org/                                                     Media Research News


http://digg.com//         DIGG News - What the Internet is talking about right now


http://slashdot.org/         Slashdot - Nerd News of Gaming and Tech companies


http://www.newsherald.com/                                    Panama News Herald (Florida)

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 Electronics and Science Stuff & other things  

 (Check theorybin's Physics, Writers & Electronics pages too)


  Suspicious0bservers,org - - (my routine studies from Youtube news)

Earthquakes, Solar flares, Space objects, Science anomalies - All current events studied in detail

Includes Books, Videos, & purchase items from a fully staffed Education Campground in Colorado


YouTube Videos - - https://www.youtube.com/suspicious0bservers


  Lelandwest,com - - (submitted by Rebecca Parker Sept 14, 2022)

A Teacher is sharing an article of interest; once upon a time, record players were installed in cars

Those were innovative times, Same year FM Broadcast approved & 50 years from electricity in NY City



  Skillshare.com - - (submitted by Ellen Horsham, Aug 05, 2022)

Ellen shares a link of Graphic Design Classes - An Online Learning Platform with thousands of classes on numerous topics including Graphic Design, taught by members of a broad community of experts

3-D Modeling courses use many that I know (Blender, Maya, SketchUp, Nomad, Fusion & more) - Theorybin Host



  Homeschooladventures.net - - (submitted by Sophie Brown April 21, 2022, written by Lucas)

A teacher sent a link to an article from a student that reworked a Theorybin article.

They added pictures & a broad spin from History of Car Radio & added Future Concepts.


          Original Theorybin Article from Dale Russell of Neodesha, Ks



  Cablecomparisons.com - - (submitted by Helen Griffin, April 21, 2022)

Helen wants to share keeping your line secure and watchful of Hacks. Includes VPN & Encryption methods.



  Cellfonedeal.Com  - -  Fiona asked to display a security item for cellphones

A list of different types of inherent promlems initiated by Hackers - defined in detail


(recommended by Fiona  Feb 7, 2022)  (Theorybin inspection found - sales promo for phone security, but informative)


  Speedwaymotors.Com  - -  MaryAnne's Girl Scout troop is currently working on their 'Think Like an Engineer' Badge as part of the STEM series to learn the basics of simple electronics, circuits and electricity


(recommended by MaryAnne Feb 2, 2022)  (Theorybin inspection found Pop-Ups & all instruction for Sale at this site)


  Control.Com  - - Industrial Automation - with content & resource for Engineering

 https://www.control.com/   (recommended by Reyland Collado Dec 3, 2020)


 Vintage Audio  - - Found complete PDF Maintenance Manual & Schematics for Pioneer Amp

Excellent selection of classic equipment & no-hassle one-click download for my SX-750 Amp



  PEI-Genesis  - - Supply-house for aviation & manufacturing parts & connector cable solutions

Useful resource for Engineers with a great product search & instant interactive help

 https://peigenesis.com/#   (requested by Robbie Stanson July 2, 2020)


  Web Proxy  - - Online Security Tips -- A Useful Guide to Hide IP Identity, Unblock Websites, Save Bandwidth Data, Resolve Privacy Problems, Protect Vital Information. These things are not always for nefarious reasons, but valid in some situations - always use caution

 https://www.justwebproxy.com/   (recommended by Osep Cruz, May 8, 2019)

(Visited but Not tested by Theorybin Com)


  Electronics Point  - - An extremely active electrical engineering online community that provides useful resources for Electrical Engineers

 https://electronicspoint.com/   (recommended by Margelyn, Januray 3, 2019)


  Maker Pro - - Active, Open Source Platform for Maker Projects like Hack a Day

These Projects are Centered around Arduino, Rasberry Pi, Intel Edison, Home Automation and more.

And better yet, the content is completely user-generated. (recommended by Reynand, November 28, 2018)

 https://Maker Pro/   - - - Also listed by request under Specialized Computer Software


  All About Circuits - - Articles and Video training

   Electrical Engineering online community that provides both interesting content and useful resources for Electrical Engineers.  http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/ (recommended by Isaac Domingo June 7, 2018)


  EE-Power - - Great Training videos on processor applications

Digital Publication of power electronics industry. Technical articles, Design tips, Application notes from leading engineers.  https://eepower.com/  (recommended by Isaac Domingo Aug 7, 2018)


     Boulder Co. Ocean Mapping     

 (Note to Global Warmers - - Florida charts since early 1700's - - NO CHANGES IN SEA LEVEL)



     Edmund Scientifics - Amazing Catalog of equipment and educational toys



    Physics Conversions



    Basic Radio Tutorials and Circuits 



     Notes and Circuits for Electrical Engineers



     Electronics Tutorials & RC Circuits



     Microchip diagram directory                             



     Mighty's FM Radio Shop  - Find your old radio's history & Schematics



     Animated Engines Tutorial 



     Get-Tuned Guitar Tuning Tools 




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 Parts and Articles & other things  


  Carboncollective  - - Specialized in ceramic and glass coatings with micro polishing tools & applicators

A multiple of products listed for refined surfacing

https://www.carboncollective.com/  (Submitted by Breene Murphy August 25, 2022)



  Your RV Lifestyle  - - Just updated, comprehensive car parts guide on our sister site.

It is completely free and you can find it here: 


(Requested by Jo Miller at Happy DIY Home July 27, 2021)  happydiyhome.org



  PEI-Genesis  - - Supply-house for aviation & manufacturing parts & connector cable solutions

Useful resource for Engineers with a great product search & instant interactive help

 https://peigenesis.com/#   (requested by Robbie Stanson July 2, 2020)


    Vacuum Tubes Inc - Online sales in Florida                                               



    Auto & Motorcycle parts and extras that are no-where else    



     Avionics Job Hunting Made Easier                       



     Government Equipment Online Auctions              



     Harbor Freight Tools



     Writers Website of many articles of information                                              



     The History of Maritime Communication and More!


Submitted by Erin & Megan Little - Nov 2018


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 Specialized Computer Software & Sites


     Custom Writing             Introduced from Donna Norton      (recommended September 12, 2024)   

 https://custom-writing.org  A Comprehensive Guide: How to become a digital Nomad. (Donna)

A high variety source for Writers instructions. (Donna) offered a Nomad Guide as an introduction to the site.

A scan of the site shows an aim for Student & Professional Writers guides to making Dissertations, Speeches, Reports, Teaching materials & an Interactive Questionnaire.  Sample - Become-a-Digital-Nomad.pdf  - original



     Internetadvisor             Introduced from Kate Matthews      (recommended March 23, 2022)   

 hhttps://www.internetadvisor.com/internet-safety-guide/  Complementary resources that may be interesting to your readers. (Kate)

A government site with many pages of general information about connecting to & using the internet. A good source locates providers in your location. What to watch for, how to protect, who to contact & parent control.



     Websiteplanet             Introduced from Emma Taub      (recommended June 01, 2020)   

 https://www.websiteplanet.com/blog/html-guide-beginners/ Readers might need this for either their work or personal life, I do believe they'll find it useful helpful guide on how to use HTML. (Emma)



     Cool Tech Zone              Introduced from Sam Chester       (recommended Sept 17, 2019)   

 http://www.cooltechzone.com/  http://www.cooltechzone.com/hide-ip  Guide for internet privacy. 100% non-profit website by 2 brothers, with an aim to enlighten on privacy & security for safety 

(Visited but Not tested by Theorybin Com)


     Maker Pro Programming for Robotics

Active open source platform for projects on Arduino, Rasberry Pi, Intel Edison, Home Automation and more. Completely user generated content. https://Maker.Pro/   (recommended June 7, 2018)



     Best 3D Model Com              Introduced from Alex Angle                           

 http://www.best3dmodel.com  Source for pre-built 3D models specializing in Cars, Characters, and Architecture. An elaborate and very numerous selection of "pay for download" of intricate forms, some with animation and very lifelike details.


     CG Trader Com              Introduced from Laura at CG Trader                           

 http://www.cgtrader.com  running one of the leading 3D model platforms with over 350.000 free and premium 3D models for computer graphics, virtual reality, games, architecture and 3D Printing. Offering a big variety of 3D models, an inspirational galleries and a lot of 3D related content (articles, interviews, tutorials).


     3D Cad Drawings                                          



    HTML Code Tutorials                                      



   A vender replied to my web mail and provided their link to be added 

  (Recommended by Samantha at Udemy com for cellphone html tutorials)


  Udemy.com Mobil HTML Code Tutorials - online schooling direct link    


This HTML tutorial is text-and image based, easy to search for quick answers, and super helpful for anyone: from beginners who want to learn to intermediate programmer who just need to look up some syntax. (From Samantha, August 20, 2015)


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 Creation Science and related views 


Two websites for Audio MP3's of the Bible and Apocrypha Books

These Zip files are all chapters in one book. 
Play Zips with your video player like VLC or Windows Media Player
  King James Bible in mp3 audio; https://mp3bible.ca/ - a great collection of all KJV books

  Scriptural-Truth.com; https://scriptural-truth.com/Apocryphal_Audio_Files.html

Caution - Some of these Apocrypha books are Council of Nicea - after 1st Century & not true to the Torah Standards


  deantlarson.com/seeking/ - - (submitted by Jan at Tabernacles 2022)

Excellent Truth Videos explaining trouble of Paul’s doctrine changes in the Bible

Includes Books, Videos, for purchase & Videos are also available on YouTube



    50 Reasons (Evolution Lies)      



    Blinding Light - Josiah    



     Dolphin's Library    



     Dr. Dino - Dr. Kent Hovind     (Hovind's new 2017 website)


Dr Hovind opened his new Repton, Alabama theme park in March 2018, about 70mi North of Pensacola


     Animated Bible Short Stories



     Trumpet of Yahveh, Augusta Kansas      (15 miles east of Wichita)



     Theorybin has a Physics and Geology version on the creation of Earth

using true science to outline how it was done in less than three hours


So many things are taught by those who truly do not understand it!


  Rachel's Contributions http://www.theorybin.com/Rachel.html

Vegetarian recipes and philosophical thoughts


 Watch Roots of Faith video on Shabbat (Every Saturday) 10:30am Central


Sabbath synagogue online 10:30am to 1:15pm Saturdays, also archived sessions.


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 Personal Regional Stuff for my own convenient access


     Steelville Newspaper    (Missouri town where I lived & attend Reunions - Camping & novelty shops)




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Send your favorite Web-Links to the Author; scburen@gmail.com

- of any category with good content & useful material -

(A good submission will give a link, a line or 2 about the site & what category to place it)



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Rachel's Contributions


Refer Theorybin website to friends to compliment this work!

Submitting questions or suggestions improves this work!



Copyright © 2004-2024 by Steven C. Buren.

For information on theorybin.com, please contact the Author, Steven C. Buren.

All text may be used in classrooms and public speaking if theorybin.com origin is stated.

This page was last updated 02/05/25 by Steven C. Buren