A Visual walk through of the Astra Arts Festival
An Annual Literary Event in Independence, Kansas
July 6, 2014, at downtown Independence, Kansas
the local Self Published Authors were presented at
Celebrity Hall of Fame 212 N. Penn Avenue for sales, signing and discussions.

This table was my setup, notice that it was sparse compared to other Author's displays. This brought a valuable lesson on presentations that will help in future events. There was not much traffic for the flyers that were available, but it was entertaining to speak with some bright people that had a like interest. To the right is Mark Metcalf, the owner of the Baseball Museum displays. Working with his intricate knowledge is a historical adventure of baseball facts, as well as his passion and knowledge of vintage baseball artifacts.

To the left in blue is Hazel Spire, and on the right in blue is Joe Warnock, and they are both patrons of the Prairie Writers Club of Independence. Hazel does poetry and children's novels, and Joe writes adventure novels with historical era settings.

Ursula Turner wrote several books of her childhood in the German War. John Koschin is a historical photographer that has intricately covered the growth of Independence in photo journals.

Mike Flood, the President of Kansas Celebrity Hall of Fame is speaking with Kevin Olson, who has established a book on the progressive psychological adaptations of disabilities, and his research has some profound levels of training. Karen Welch has a four novel series and several single novels on romance and traditions that introduce inspiration.

The Celebrity Hall of Fame was a novel and cheerful environment for the presentation of Author materials. Hazel kept me interested and close to her displays with a platter of her home grown rock cookies that she says are the favorites in the Harry Potter book series.

There were plenty of interesting displays and groups to chat with throughout the evening. Judy and John are seen here with a row of books that spark some profound memories.
A Thank You from theorybin.com to the Celebrity Hall of Fame and President Mike Flood, for allowing the local authors to publicly present their work in a local establishment. This is rare that we can find an occasion to display our books, and when a group of authors have a showing together, it restores some confidence from the multitude of hurdles that authors normally get from media and retail attempts. I appreciate that they called us in to their hospitality, where we normally have to ask for favors to get a presentation.
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Tuesday July 7 was set for readings by authors and selected editors to promote submissions

The artists are creating new murals over the older ones that line Laurel Street on the block west of Penn Avenue.

The literary crowd split into smaller groups to tour the city, and hear several author readings at different locations.

Independence Pharmacy was quaint and served fountain drinks as we heard two outlines from local authors. The pharmacy host served me a green soda called a Lime Ricky, which they said was made popular by Credence Clearwater Revival in the song Green River.

The First Oak Bank had some cozy seating that mellowed our moods, but the stories kept us inspired.

Magnolia's has a wonderful fragrance and lighting that gives a pleasurable environment. The readings could go on for days with this kind of gracious treatment. There were other sessions at the Cherry Berry, Frankie's Dawgs, and Reflections, but the photographer (me) got distracted.
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Wednesday July 8 had workshops for writers and readings

The Writers Workshop forced some quick stories without a concept plan. My brain was strained and the story started to flow, but the time was up before a good base was laid.

The final reading in a dark room with spotlights. The acoustics were good and the reader had a fine delivery.

Our first reader is on the left, and he is now in the audience. There were some things he said which brought to mind one of my old forgotten storylines. It is possible that this piece might see daylight if the thought continues and time permits.

Closing up after the delivery. A long day, but many newly inspired thoughts.

With the final greetings, the exit was through the wildlife photo collection of our Photographer from the Independence Daily Reporter.
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The following days

Amy Webb had an amazing collection of imagery in her words, and conferences with between sessions are common.

Gathering at the sitting room of the Landon House had everyone comparing notes.

Caryn Goldberg has Kansas in in a frame through her literal lenses of poetry.

Wyatt Townley captures and audience with comparisons of detail, reminiscent of the lead-in poems of Garrison Keeler's weekly radio shows.

Alan Heathcock has an imbedded gift of situation displays, and animates his stories with a style that places the audience in his selected time. His fans are drawn to interact with the story.
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Quite a bustle at the Landon House with speakers Thomas Averill and Jim Hoy.

The Cowboy Poet on the left and the Astra Documentary Photographer Hoite Caston is on the right.

All seats were taken and all were pleased with the stories.

The chat sessions were going well after they removed all the chairs.

Steven Meets and Kathleen DeGrave gave readings of their poetry and short stories.

Our Hostess Denise Sage doing greetings, and the Author Mary Russell giving final comments of her researched novel on Doc Holiday of the Tombstone legends.
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The Last day of the Astra Festivals

The dedication of David Loewenstein's mural on Laurel Street and the Photographer Hoite Caston.

Mr. Caston getting arrangements from the MC on ceremony sequence, as the artist and assistants are introduced.

The Ribbon Cutting Dedication of the Mural, and the final celebration with recognitions at the Booth Hotel.

More patrons of the Arts celebration, with my writer colleague Joe Warnoc and his wife Peggy.
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