Three MUST HAVE files for ALL Teachers

Jubilee-Count - Timeline Map yr-0 to 6000 - Adam to Armageddon

Visually improved to show all leaders in control of the Lands of Israel in every year

Seven-Yr-Days - Tribulation 7 yrs of events & Daily Israel News Headlines

T-Identify-the-Beast - Who is it & what will he do


U-Change-History - 3-pg pdf - Easy to understand & Will change history...


Notice: The 2300th Hanukkah starts December 25, 2024 (Kislev 25, 5785)

... Daniel 7:25, 9:25 * Antiquities 10.11.7, 12.5.3-4 * 1-Maccabees 1.20, 1.54, 4:52-23 ...






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Theorybin Studies seek corrections to Theology Rhetoric


There are two distinct teachings in the Biblical world

Christians teach of a new delivery through Paul

Hebrew teachings insist there is no change from the Prophets

What does the Bible say without the common confusion?


Discoveries & Corrections to Centuries of History Distortions


© 2002-2024 by Steven C. Buren

These documents will open verses to reveal what manmade traditions and translators have perverted

The ABC's research 1st Century & Scriptures to Expose Deceptive Traditions


A-The Great Deception Within Christianity - 1-pg pdf

Uncover the false apostles, and recognize the source of the whirlpool of deception


B-Heresy of the Pharisee - 3-pg pdf

The Minister's false teachings

Observe deceivers methods & twists of misdirection. Knowledge exposes the proper instructions


C-Actions of Paul - 5-pg pdf

Key turning points from the covenant are paraphrased in Revelation prophecy.


D-Paul's Lineage - 7-pg pdf

An illuminating decipher of history, essential to comprehend the New Testament & the Laws of His Fathers.

Paul's Family Tree  jpg-image included from intense research of Josephus and Caesar


E-What is Easter Really About? - 4-pg pdf

An Edomite-Egyptian Pharisee festival has replaced an honor to Yahweh with distortions of a Holy Feast


F-Changes in Dietary Laws - 4-pg pdf

Choices have consequences. Avoid perverted interpretations teaching delightful misdirection


G-Law is Precious to the Lord - 5-pg pdf

His laws are his ways & Defined as the only way to the Tree of Life for those of the Covenant & Strangers


H-A Secret in Revelation - the 666th Man - 6-pg pdf        The actual Name Count to 666

The understanding of a child can identify this man. His presence through eight time periods of the Bible

are revealed. His methods and actions are recognized as commanded in Revelation


I-Hidden Treasures - 8-pg pdf

Assorted facts in the verses that enlighten many directions of Biblical studies


J-Consider-This - 1-pg pdf

Common teachings follow deception of Baal & Transgression of Epiphanies that distort Messiah's true birth date


K-Feasts-Holidays.pdf - 4-pg pdf

Commanded Feasts of Appointed Times - - Observe them & set your course.


L-Timeline - 24-pg pdf

History from Adam to Armageddon. Intense line of abbreviated Bible records to modern times.


Jubilee-CountA MUST HAVE for all teachers - Especially Historians - 153-pg pdf

The whole count - Every Year of Creation of Adam to Armageddon - Year Zero to 6000

4 Parallels of all years to match the Calendars of (Creation Years - messiah age - BC/AD - Talmud)


Seven-Yr-Days - A MUST HAVE for all teachers  - 59-pg pdf  

   TIME-CHART Image of Tribulation Timeline

Detailed 7 Year Tribulation, with Lunar time & Feast Dates & expected events & Headline News in Israel.  

 Updated Weekly from Israel-Media - detailing current history with collections of News Headlines


Seven-Yr-Sermon - 7-pg - A detailed delivery of the Tribulation, edited for speech


Revealing-the-Tribulation Extensive 13-pg - A Summary & explanation of the Seven-Yr-Days.pdf


M-Peters-Warning  - 4-pg pdf

Why did NT translators rewrite Peter's warning of Paul?

Paul was called "our beloved" as a courtesy to royalty. (jpg Family Tree of Paul)


N-Daniel's-Arrangement - 3-pg pdf

The Proper sequence of Chapters for the Book of Daniel 1-2-3-4-7-8-5-9-11-6-10-12

Daniel's chapters start by identifying which king & which year; place them in order to clarify the Prophecies


O-Jewels of History - 1-pg pdf

How were Paul and Barnabas able to influence Troops, Trials, Pharisees & Kings unopposed?


P-Birthdate of Messiah - 3-pg pdf   - -   Birthdate of Messiah - Single page version

Evidence by examination, deciphers history, exposes tradition & reveals the truth


Q-Bible-Logic - 12-pg pdf

21 Feedback Questions from Preachers & Scholars, with defining answers


R-Reasoning-the-Month-Start - 4-pg pdf

Yahshua had his Passover 2-Days before the Pharisee. (Controversy of Conjunction or First Sighting)

How to find the Lunar month start & Biblical 1st & 7th months in the stars


S-Knowing-Day-or-Hour - 5-pg pdf

We are Warned to Watch & prepare for that Day of Gathering & not be sleeping.

We know not Our Hour for this One prophecy; when one instant can identify 24-hours on our planet


T-Identify-the-Beast - 7-pg pdf - A MUST HAVE to teach Prophecy

The 2nd Beast is among us Now & is like the 1st Beast. Who is it - what & where will he control?


U-Change-History -  2-pg pdf - Easy to understand & will change history...

To count the years in Prophecies, your calendar must be correct.

Recognize the calendar errors. Are we 2022 years from the Messiah's birth? Is the BC count correct?

Actually - the true year count is 2127, with 105 year error made in 532 AD by counting Olympiads as 4-yrs.

See the whole count from Creation to Armageddon in the Jubilee-Count of year Zero to 6000.


V-Repair-Your-Doctrine -  4-pg pdf

A Summary of this ABC list of Theorybin files, to source & purge nonsense & Teach Urgent things.


W-Torah-Laws - 123-pg pdf

All Torah Laws 5-Books of Moses - (Excluding Priest-Only duties)

Laws sorted into 14 Categories for easy study and excellent reference


X-Nobility-of-Messiah - 2-pg pdf

Common Teachings say Jesus is God. Let the New Testament KJV tell it His way. These phrases have

become a brainwash from the truth. Study their words as the sign of these times, but Do Not swallow them.


Y-Sacrifice-of-Transgression  - 21-pg pdf  - - 2-pages of research data & 19-pages of reference clips

This is a very complicated piece, but a very necessary read, to understand the End-Times year of 2022


Z-Garden-of-Eden  - 7-pg pdf

A Supposition to the Locations of the Garden of Eden and Noah's Ark Construction Site

Searching the World for evidence, these locations fit All the criteria and add much more to the common theories


---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---

These PDF files are a new dimension of information that is fully referenced to the sources of scripture

& other ancient documents.

All of these topics are open for discussion directly with the Author by email. These pieces are reviewed frequently,

and some are updated weekly or more. So keep a current document with the latest information,

and send your view or review to the Author, for refinement of these studies.


Submit questions or suggestions to improve this work to

Request from Author if you need documents in another form

We are seeking Translators to Convert these pdf's to other Languages


---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---

Two websites for free Audio MP3's of the Bible and Apocrypha Books

These Zip files are all chapters in one book. 
Play Zips with your video player like VLC or Windows Media Player
  King James Bible in mp3 audio; - a great collection of all KJV books;

Caution - Some of these Apocrypha books are Council of Nicea - after 1st Century & not true to the Torah Standards


  Josephus in mp3 audio; 
  - Antiquities -Autobiography & books 1 thru 5 with an assortment of major events, Apion & Wars -12hrs

---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---

7-Years of Tribulation with Calculated Dates (Assume Human errors)






Embellished Traditions Will

Corrupt Documented Procedures


We were commanded to follow God's ways, no more and no less, and were given specific instructions for compliance. Yet the traditions have distorted and blemished the simple directives into a tangled web of deception. Even the most orthodox division of any religious sect can rarely define their structure entirely from the Bible, without an immense seasoning of interpretations.


---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---

The PDFs of ABC's above are detailed research on specific topics. They will show many Truths that are absent or distorted in Traditional teachings of the Bible.

After the "Great Deception" is studied, the L-Timeline and Jubilee-Count will add volumes of information to the layout of Biblical Chronology. Specifically the Jubilee-Count details the entire count of years from Creation to our current age, where 2022 is 5968 years from Creation, marked from the Day of Atonement, or Talmud 5782.

None of these documents exist on any other website at this time

Some sites have links to these files. The knowledge is beginning to expand into perpetual discussions, but some forget to acknowledge Theorybin origin. When that happens, stories get stretched and warped. Keep them truthful & verify the source.

 ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---

Holiday Calendar - within the 7yr days uses traditional & corrected dates (outlined at bottom of this web-page) Tribulation dates & events 50-pg Seven-Yr-Days.pdf Must be studied by All Teacher \ Rabbi \ Preachers


Lunar & Holiday dates in Single Year Theorybin Calendars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

These 5 Calendars show all Prophecy Events in a Standard 12 page Calendar Form


The Lunar-2017-2025 pdf has the Lunar Phases dates used, though several sources have varying dates, even when in the same time zone. Please notify if adjustments are needed. We are trying to be accurate



  For Section-1 of Revealing Bible Mysteries; this addendum to the first eight chapters is a 14-page list of 457 Classroom Questions, which can be used as discussion points, or a reader's and student's questionnaire.

  Many of my documents reference the works of Titus Flavius Josephus, as an associate of Caesar and Herod. Josephus chronicled the events in Israel during the times of the New Testament in his reports to Caesar. His original complete text collection of 21 books total about 1700 pages, and can be freely referenced and downloaded from the website. Other useful reference material from the first century authors can be found on website searches of the books by Suetonius and Tacitus. version of Josephus-Complete.PDF or the MS-Word version Josephus-Complete.doc

Re-formatted & highlighted with my [annotated edits] of research interest.

Available by permission of the website. A very large file of 8-meg, 1588 pages,

This PDF form was used for "Revealing Bible Mysteries". Reference Searches were Improved Oct-2020


  The document H-A Secret in Revelation - the 666th Man, is written from my studies, where the actual counting of all names in the Bible revealed the deceivers. The actual Name Count of each of these books is delivered here, for those who desire to indulge in meticulous research.


The Talmud Mishna has Eighteen Treatises out of 62, that are the only ones available to the public, & listed here. These are Man’s Laws written in and after Babylon, and not always agreeable to Torah Laws. They are answers to specific questions followed by the rabbinical quorum. Topics are on Prayers, Rules of the Sabbath and Festivals, Marriage, Kosher Food, Inheritance, Contracts, and Dowries.

Indexing and numeral edits were done by to make the document easier to reference and read. This is a large file 326 pages 1.5 meg MISHNA-Talmud.pdf




Apocrypha Books - All Books are Now Completed - April 2018

The Apocrypha has Several Books that are not considered Canonical (valid). Theorybin finds them VALID & has re-established the DATES of EVENTS in these documents, which previous researchers could not find.


BEWARE of versions of Apocrypha and Bibles notably edited by some of the Oxford Scholars, which rephrased verses to state that the Spirit of Man is his Ego. This is not true, for the Ego is the guide to those who are following Evil Spirits. It is the inner heart of a man that guides his thoughts, love, and desires to be faithful to God, that is man's True Spirit.

   (Some of the Oxford Edits intentionally reverse the statements & state this in their notes, Theorybin offers KJV)



BARUCH  He arrived in Jerusalem on the 5th year from Babylon. He was with the return of the Vessels to the new Temple, as they were building the walls of the City. His delivery was to know the reason they had been taken and now returned, as they must follow the Laws and Ordinances.



ESDRAS  A repeat with many extra details of the 2-Chronicles 28 and Ezra. Details describe the delay in transfer of Temple items from Babylon to Jerusalem. Ezra moved them, But Cyrus had Mithradates sort the items years before that time. That is when many items were lost and Mithradates of Persia became a wealthy king.



JUDITH  A four day event that Saved Israel from a conqueror after Babylon,  Placed between books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Judith conquered during the 20th Jubilee, 2 years before the book of Nehemiah begins, and ten years before the Jerusalem walls were finished.

This was hard to place, because the translators made the conqueror Nabuchodonosor, but it was a general of (Xerxes Darius-II), and the names of most the cities are not common, probably using Moab or Assyrian names of the Israel cities. Judith could see the Jerusalem Temple from her housetop, and offered prayers at Temple event times.



MACCABEES Three books 127 page PDF that cover a period after Babylon, from Alexander to three generations of Antiochus. The Three books of Maccabees are from three authors covering the same period of Wars with Antiochus and the many Miracles that are celebrated in the the period of Hanukah, Their victories stem from Priests and Heroes that followed the Laws in seeking assistance from Heaven.

Must read Macc 1:59, 4:52, 6:7, 11:28-37 & Antiq 12.5.4, 13.4.9 to Understand Dan 8: 11-14 Sacrifice of Transgression



SIRACH  An Ecclesiastes book by the Grandfather of Sirach, which Sirach found in Egypt and copied during the time of the 6th Ptolemy & Cleopatra. This is the best of books for spotlight on life and interaction with good & evil, using knowledge and wisdom of the commandments.



SOLOMON  A story of how and why anyone can gain Wisdom, and will benefit immeasurably. By the most gifted of all men of the Spirit of Wisdom. Here are many answers to age old questions of why the deceiver sways the thinking of the enemies of Holy Men, and how their thoughts justify their actions.



TOBIT  The Ten Tribes of Israel and Tobit were drawn into Assyria 124 years before Judea was taken to Babylon. His son Tobias journeyed far with one of the Seven Holy Angels, Raphael, in a great adventure. Tobias returned with a wife and great healing for his father. They both attained great age, and Tobias heard of the ruin of Nineveh, 9 years before Judea was taken to Babylon.


-- Shorter Books of Apocrypha - 10 pages or less, all great reading --


EPISTLES OF JEREMY  Jeremiah sent letters to those to be led captive in Babylon, not to fear their gods of men's hands that hold a scepter a dagger and an axe. Perceive that they are not gods, fear them not. As a scarecrow in a garden, they are nothing but wood. The just man that has no idols will be far from reproach.



PRAYER OF MANASSEH  A king of great sin utters a simple 30 sentence repent to his multitude of sins that corrupted the nation. 2 years after Manasseh, Zephaniah wrote, the land will be consumed for their wickedness. Babylon begins to enslave the affluent 101 years later.



ADDITIONS TO ESTHER  (Ptolemy 6th Reads Esther) This event is 206 yrs after Esther, where Mardocheus, a Greek noble, had an End-Times dream he felt was similar to the story of Esther. He told king Ptolemy & Cleopatra, and they had a Levite priest read them his copy of Purim, translated by his grandson. His version was given here, which is why it does not match Esther perfectly. KJV & Oxford labeled this as an Addition to Esther, starting chapter 10

(Talmud studies placed this to be the time of Esther - 206 years off, thus missing that she was mother of Darius)


3-Apocrypha Additiions to Daniel, 


Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego of Daniel Chapter 3

Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, were taken by the most wicked and unjust king in all the world, and made to walk In the midst of the fire of the Chaldeans. An angel of the Lord came down into the oven and made the midst of the furnace as it had been a moist whistling wind.  Justified in their praise, the mercy of God was worthy of exalted glory.



SUSANNA  Wife of Joacim cried with a loud voice when two elders grabbed her in her garden. They used mischievous imagination against Susanna, claiming this was her false report. A young man (Daniel) examine them separately and proved the men reported falsely. This saved Susanna from death, and her kindred & husband’s reputation.



BEL AND THE DRAGON  Three events of Daniel. He proved to the king that their god Bel was a false idol made with hands. The daily feast flour, forty sheep, and six of wine were eaten by 70 priests of Bel & their families.

Then the fearsome dragon, which they of Babylon worshipped, Daniel promised to slay the dragon without sword or staff, and he succeeded. 

The priests took great indignation, and conspired, and placed Daniel in the lions' den. This story gives unique details beyond chapter 6 of Daniel. He was six days with the lions, and fed by the prophet called Habacuc (Habakkuk)



Aesop-Fables.pdf – 620-560 BC, at Time of Daniel. 169 pages

Short Stories of Philosophy, implying Wisdom of the Greeks - Taught in all studies at that time

An astonishing part in reading these Fables is to find many phrases and quotes that are considered great components of literature, which originated in these simple scripts.

* Birds of a feather flock together ** Once upon a time * One turn deserves another * With all your might

* Much ado about nothing * Do not count your chickens before they are hatched  * Every man for himself

* Wolf in Sheep's Clothing * remedy that is worse than the disease  * enough to spoil the appetite

* Woe is me (from Bible)* master of his own fate * learn from the misfortunes of others  Fair weather friends

* Necessity is the mother of invention * It is easy to kick a man that is down * Look before you leap

* A man is known by the company he keeps * Any excuse will serve a tyrant * a hot summer's day

* No gratitude from the wicked * one bad turn deserves another * Appearances are deceptive

* United we stand, divided we fall * Little by little does the trick * & many other common phrases




About 30 have offered to review Revealing Bible Mysteries during the editing stage. Most of the earlier edits were for grammar and punctuation, but now we will have responses on written questions or comments of the content. If you request, your written responses to the book's content will be posted here. (Free PDF version on Mysteries page)


Feedback-1 a 2 page PDF where the reader responded up to page 29 of the second chapter.


Feedback-2 a 4 page PDF of email from a marvelous writer from the Literary Arts Festival - ASTRA.


Feedback-3 an 11 page PDF of email questions from a theologian and writer that I met at Sukkot-2014.


Feedback-4 a 6 page PDF of email questions from the same theologian as Feedback-3.


Feedback-5 24 pg from Europe - Netherlands, comments / writings after reading Theorybin studies.


Feedback-6 a 2 pg PDF responding to Florida acquaintance on their honoring of Paul's work. June 2018


Feedback-7 a 9 pg PDF discussion with an Iowa Theology Master on Paul's heritage  Feb 2018



Note: I may not agree with you, but I will answer your questions by email. At this time, there has not been a valid contradiction to any portion of Revealing Bible Mysteries. There are revisions of the dates of some events in Chapter-5 that are constantly refined and delivered in my L-Timeline.PDF and other documents available on this page.

The Primary Focus of Theorybin is now on Seven-Yr-Days, the 59-pg pdf Updated Frequently, which details current events in THE 7-YEAR TRIBULATION, that we entered nearly a year ago.

- Steven Buren - June 20, 2018.



The True Timeline of Bible events uniquely change some well known stories. These manuscripts have all the characteristics for a powerful Biblical Movie.

Ask the author for film script analysis.




The Hebrew Passover Observance

Passover has been distorted by so many traditions that it now harvests some very strange additions. Here you will find simple PDF items that examine and lay out the necessities without the fluff. These PDF's were written here at theorybin follow scripture instead of tradition.



Passover-Hezekiah - Temple cleansed & sanctified on 1st month, Pesach observed 2nd month.

Passover Preparations - The outline of the dates and verse references for Passover 2015.

Passover Dinner Guide - The simple arrangement of the evening observance.

Passover Shema - A prayer of observing the covenant.

Passover Prayer of Moses - The prayer and promise of the covenant.




Here is the Shema in another version of studies in a 4-page PDF. The Shema is essentially the honorable promises or prayer to Yahweh, that Moses had all Hebrews and Strangers to pledge at the Feast.



The Theorybin Author is available for personal or group studies in the 48 states & attend the 3-Feast where organized groups allow my teachings.

Invite me to attend your congregation for serious enlightenment



Tabernacles of Leviticus 23:23-45  for 2020

(3 dates A-B-C are listed for each event, see the next chapter "When is our Holiday?")

(Note: All dates are the day of the Holiday that start on the Sundown of the previous day


This first day of the lunar month starts with Rosh Hashanah the blowing of trumpets on the new moon to announce the beginnings of ten days of repentance. (A-Sep 17)(B-Sept 19)(C-Sep 18)  (Year 2020)


The tenth day of the month is Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement, the solemn Day of Judgment of the people by Yahweh each year. This day requires a fasting and offering, when sins are cleansed and cast off to start anew when repented. The cleansing and reconciliation is made by the priest for the people by an offering where one goat is sacrificed and one is released into the wilderness, carrying the sins of the people. (A-Sept 26)(B-Sept 28)(C-Sep 28)


Sukkot is the Feast of Tabernacles or Feast of Booths for people to commune for an eight day reunion and feasts of the fall harvest. Beginning the 15th day of the lunar month, (starting 14th evening) the people are to live in booths for this festival as was done in the 40 years after Exodus. Gathering and camping and living together in close proximity with a large group rejoicing their repentance and Yahweh's presence with feasts and ceremonies. This is the time each year when Yahweh assigns his blessings and protection to those who appear before him. Some celebrate 8-days others 7-days (A-Oct 1-8)(B-Oct 3-9)(C-Oct 3-9)




When is our Holiday? (Jeremiah 8:7, Daniel 7:25)

Three (or more) calendar readings can be given for the holidays, due to different leaders and different traditions. Your understanding is in your heart. 


Lunar & Holiday dates in Single Year Theorybin Calendars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

These 5 Calendars show all Prophecy Events in a Standard 12 page Calendar Form



When is the Start of the Month?

(A) Some can view the end and start of a month by when the moon is centered at Conjunction, opposite of a Full Moon. We can deduce this by Yahshua had Passover with his Apostles, was taken at night and killed that day, and Buried in mid of night before morning so as not to defile their Day of Preparation. He knew the proper days, and the Pharisee priests followed Babylon Traditions. His Passover was 2-days before the Pharisees Passover

(B-C) Most follow the Tradition of when the moon begins to reappear after three days of dark moon, as the start of the new month. This change occurred following the Babylon - using the Arab start of the month.


The Pharisees were not all Hebrew! Most of them were Greek. All Priests were removed & replaced by Trypho in 139BC, then by Ptolomy in 130BC, then by Alexander Janneus in 98BC, then by Alexanders Queen in 62BC, then by Pompey in 51BC, then by Antipater in 27BC, then by Herod-I in 23BC, then by Herod Philip in 22AD, then by Herod Agrippa 3-times in 33AD. Agrippa replaced (killed) all priest that would not submit to Greek traditions.



Then the First month of the year is determined in two ways.

Read Reasoning-the-Month-Start for exacting details on 1st & 7th months


(A-B) Some determine the first month as the First Lunar month, where the 15th day (Passover) is on or after the Solar Spring Equinox of March 20. The Original Exodus was recorded as the month where the Sun is in the Constellation sign of Aries. (Antiquities 3.10.5)

The first sign of the Zodiac is Aries the Ram, enters the sun after the Vernal Equinox about March 21 to April 19.

Arcturus in Bootes Rises at sunset & Sets at sunrise 1st Month (Job 9:9, 38:31, Amos 5:8)

Pleiades Rises at sunset & Sets at sunrise on 7th Month (Job 9:9, 38:31, Amos 5:8)

Orion Rises at sunset & Sets at sunrise on 8th Month (Amos 5:8, 18-19) Used for Arrival

Orion has a special assignment of Oct 12, 2024, as 1st yr, 1st mo, 1st dy, 1st hr (Amos 5:18-20, 8:8-14, Rev 9:15)


(C) Most Traditional leaders follow the First Lunar month following the sighting of barley sprouts in Israel. This is based on the original name of Abib for the first month of Nissan, that is assumed linked to Aviv, the word for sprouts. There is no way that I have found to confirm origin of that tradition, but why not the sprouts in Egypt where the Exodus started?


The counting of the Feast of Weeks also has different starts.

(A) Some start the count of 7 weeks on the 8th day of Passover.

(B-C) Most Traditional leaders start the 7 week count on the first Sabbath during Passover.


All of these points have been debated by many, and my considerations (theory A) were sent to the modern proclaimed leaders of the Orthodoxy of US, Britain, and Israel. The most common reply is that, the consensus of the council shall be the appropriate rule (tradition). There are some preachers beginning to understand this concept, and have replied.


See many details and 7 years of Holiday dates in 50 page Seven-Yr-Days.pdf





As with all other people, there are some questions that I have, and have never found an answer beyond opinions. If any one has an answer, then feed it back to me, the theorybin author.


1 Is there a body of scholars that will honestly review new findings?


2  Many new and profound findings from my books and pdf files have the potential to clarify awareness and greatly improve the knowledge of biblical studies. Why are people not interested in these things?




Be Aware of False and Misdirected Teachings


The first Adam is documented in Genesis, but many modern preachers speak of the second or last Adam as the Messiah. Be very cautious with this teaching that seems to originate in the Pharisee doctrines of Paul, from Hebrews and Corinthians.

What those preachers do not know or have ignored, is that Esau, the brother of Jacob (Israel) established a city he called Adam, and his son Tema called his father Esau, "Adam." The Hebrews know this city of Esau as Edom, but it is known in the teachings of Islam as Adom, and the second Adom was Esau, and Islam teaches that he will return. This was part of the Pharisee teachings that were adopted by Islam, and they hold the second Adom in high honor. Many of our cities and places resemble Esau's heritage, like Alabama (Aholibama), one of his wives, and many of his sons have their names imbedded in our country and in Europe. Beware of pledging allegiance to historical names of schools, groups, people, objects and places. The books of Hebrews and Corinthians are Pauline doctrines of the Pharisees. (Genesis 25:30, 32:3, 36:1, 36:8, Joshua 3:16, Corinthians 15:25)


Many of the modern radio broadcast preachers are teaching this doctrine of the second Adam that will return as the Messiah. Do not follow the Second Adam (Adom), for that is one of the labels the Imposter will use. They are mixing truth of a second coming, with misinformation of his name and other so-called facts. Be aware that they are stepping out of bounds with compounded traditional teachings. Compounded teachings are those that are man-made and perpetuated, and added on by others until it grows to a new doctrinal foundation. Be studious; Be cautious: Be aware, and do not fall into the wallow of false or mis-informed or ignore-ant teachers.

- Written by Steven Buren, of October 4, 2016




More False and Misdirected Teachings

A very revealing & disturbing story that the Arabs Teach


The second Adam is Esau, & the Arab Nations consider him to be the noble son of Isaac whose heritage was stolen by his brother Jacob.

Evil is their nature, and the Light of Creation also stole the nobility of the first existing Darkness. It is taught as Arab heritage, that the Darkness is much Higher than Light, & darkness is actually condensed light, for the light came from the darkness.

The Devil is higher in status than the Messiah, as he was first, & the heritage was stolen by the Messiah. The Arab view is that the Devil & all his evil minions are Higher is status in Heaven, than the Messiah & all his followers. All this will be sorted out in the Last Days, & any Arab that converts has fallen lower than the Light followers. Be aware also that the fallen angels & the Devil will arrive before the Messiah in the Last Days. The Devil WILL claim to be the true Messiah.

Another disturbing twist to this view, is that some of the Jewish Orthodox patrons are followers of this belief, & this is where the Theorybin source originated. These patrons are of Islam with a Jewish Label, and believe & teach that the Talmud overrides the Torah. To them: The Torah can be deciphered only by by reading in several levels. There are at least 5 levels of teaching, where each word can be broken down into letters, where each letter can tell a story. This twist of the Torah can essentially become anything the author wants to teach, & this is a common way of teaching in all Jewish gatherings. The method has crept into all Jewish studies and most Messiah teachers have accepted this as truth, and this is part of why the Jews will not accept a Messiah. There is much more to this viewpoint, as good is considered weakness and many other sickening basics.


So, Beware of ALL by being aware and cautious. Do not let "Labels of Doctrine" (Priest, Jew, Christian, Rabbi, Follower, & others) define your trust in any individual. Some of the most distorted & twisted logics have come from people that have trusting "Labels" in high status of honorable gatherings and festivals.


- Written by Steven Buren, of October 21, 2017





Always investigate to learn the Truth; and your help or encouragement is appreciated too!

Please notify Steven Buren, the Theorybin Author, of any questions or corrections.





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The website in Panama City, Florida was first posted in Kansas, July 20, 2012

Before that, it was of Colorado Springs 2002 - 2007

Before the internet, it was Artronics BBS of Austin Texas and Key West Florida 1985 - 1997


Copyright © 2002-2024 by Steven C. Buren. All rights reserved on all material on all pages

in the Website and the book “Revealing Bible Mysteries”.


All text & PDFs may be used in classrooms & public speaking if www.theorybin,com source is stated.

This page was last updated  09/15/24  by Steven C. Buren in Panama City, Florida - scburen@gmail com