Radio-NØID Repeaters History Photos Links Meetings Net
New Radio Club Website - nØ
-- NET MONDAY 7pm Weekly on the NØID Repeater
145.490 offset with 91.5 tone
Monthly Meetings First Tuesday, at 7pm,- at the Judicial Center Lower Level at 300 E Main, Independence Kansas-
Contact any member for current info
Some e-mail to theorybin Monday, February 26, 2024 Hi,
I hope you're having a wonderful Monday! I'm a children's librarian who just wanted to get in touch because you've been such a major help with a young gentlemen I'm currently assisting. His name is Ethan and he's working towards earning his Radio Merit Badge for Boy Scouts. While using the library's computer for research, we stumbled upon your page, and found it to be a great source of information to meet badge requirements from! Thank you so much! :D
Ethan also had the fantastic idea of passing along another resource to you that he discovered while looking into how to create a crystal radio. It's and it's a guide to soldering for beginners filled with tons of additional resources. He learned a lot from it, so he hoped it could do the same for others using your page.
Do you think you could add Ethan's suggestion to your page if it's not too much of a hassle? He said he will be back later over the weekend, so I would absolutely love to show him that his suggestion was up and running! If you've decided to, he would be so happy, and that would really make my day as a children's librarian! Plus! I'm sure he would also be excited to show his unit leader that his suggestion was added to help other radio enthusiasts. :)
Please let us know what you think!
Have a lovely rest of your week and thanks so much again,
Olivia Ingram How to Create a Crystal Radio This link is a source of the Madison Trust Company, for Investments
Monday, November 26, 2018
Mike and Dave,
Hope you had a great weekend - I'll keep my email short! I just wanted to say that, while looking for information on radios, the telegraph and other communication, I found your radio club's page:
Thanks for putting it together! My daughter Megan has a fun project in her technology class - they're working on a timeline of the history of communication!
She had some questions (telegraphs/morse code are REALLY foreign to her haha) so like a good Mom, I've been trying to help her with her research. When we were working on the project this weekend, Megan found this timeline:
The History of Maritime Communication and More!
I thought your visitors might like it, so I wanted to pass it along. If it's not too much to ask, do you think you could include a link to it on your page for me? I know you're probably busy with the upcoming holidays, but I'd like to show Meg!
If there's anything I've learned from raising kids, it's that appreciation and recognition go a long way! ...not to mention, maybe she'll even get some extra credit from her teacher? She could use it with the first report cards coming out soon!
Looking forward to hearing from you!
73 (just learned that haha!)
Erin and Megan Little
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Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 10:14 AM
Hi Dale:
I added some information on the MGARC Web Site, which might be of interest to your members. Look it over and if you want to share it with other members, feel free to post it.
Here is the link on the Montgomery County Amateur Radio Site:
Once your are on the the page all you have to do is click on the Light blue colored - Jason's (KDØYEP) Photo Page - and it will take you to Jason's Photo Page. I am sure Jason will continue to update the photos as more progress is made on the Club House.
Ken - NUØB
Dale Russell 704 Church St. Neodesha, Ks 66757-1443 Enjoying "HAM RADIO"
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On Thursday, October 22, 2015 12:43 PM,
Veronica Taylor <> wrote:
Don, Paul and Mike,
As a peer mentor, I just wanted to send you a quick thank you note for making your page with information on amateur radio and other communications -
The kids have had some fun projects to do in school; a few of them are working on a timeline of technology and communication! We've been looking for resources to cite and include, and your page has been a big help! Thanks again for making it!
We also wanted to pass along this page:
'The History of Telecommunication'
It's a fantastic reference guide. I'm sure you and your visitors would find it useful. Can you include it on your page? Let me know - I'd love to show my group! I meet with them tomorrow!
It would be much appreciated :)
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FCC Universal Licensing System
| Coffeeville ARC C.A.R.C. Clubhouse, Pfister Park, 7:00 p.m., 2nd Tuesday of each month. |
Local Weather in Independence Kansas
Satellite Weather Maps of the USA
Satellite Weather of the World
Ham Nation Hosted by: Bob Heil
Independence Kansas Alert System Video Submitted by: George Bellairs
Check out this video to the left, about the Weather Alert system! This office is located downtown Independence, at the County Courthouse |
Welcome to the Kansas Amateur Repeater Council |
Montgomery County, Kansas (KS) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
Kansas Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
Amateur Radio Ham Radio Repeater Map KS Kansas Medifast reviews |
Our local Echolink link is locatedin Neodesha, Kansas. The frequency is 145.750 Simplex and the Node # is 37777. |
Independence DMR REPEATER INFO: (see our DMR-Radio page for more info) The page is still maintained, but link has been removed from the top and bottom menus until DMR is re-established in Independence
Coffeyville,& Montgomery County KS Amateur Club
Ham Radio Zones | Ham Test Online |
Submitted by Conner Johnson, 7-28-2024
The History of Maritime Communication and More! Submitted by Erin & Megan Little - Nov 2018 |
Look around to other pages Theorybin WebLinks has many other sites |
version: January 2014, 255kb ------- 71 page PDF 160kb ------- |
The Independence Amateur Radio Club 220kb PDF by: Steven C. Buren Simplified, for a minimum-strain study 46 page Q&A with Calculation Formulas Try it, there are none others like it. |
:: KAR :: Kansas Amateur Radio Newsletter... Your destination for Kansas Amateur Radio news from the Section Manager, the ARES/RACES Officer. Highlights and fun events and humor from across the state. Kansas Ham links and Radio News from
Some recent e-mail to theorybin July 2014
US and Foreign News | Fox News US Politics |
Research News |
CNS News |
Some of Our Members (that attend meetings and leave info)
Dave Cook KWØI Don Moore W5FFK Paul Vaughn KBØNYA Dale Russell KBØWIZ Jack DeVera KAØLCO Daniel Barwick KD2AHJ George Bellairs KBØZZT Steven Buren
Jason Wright KDØYEP Ron Burnor KDØKPM Ed Martin ABØLE Daniel Potts Novice Robert Crawford KE5GXP Mike Byers N7CZR Earl Fish WBØNDB Toby Fish KEØBFQ Josh Othniel KA1EBQ Russell Fernandez NØPGI James Atherton KBØRJJ Jeff Hogge KCØSZH Ken Collins KUØB
Calculate the Wavelength of your Frequency This is a link to the calculator |
For corrections, removals, or additions, contact Steven Buren For NØID QSL's, Contact: Don Moore, PO BOX 505 Independence, KS 67301 |
Radio-NØID Repeaters History Photos
The theorybin Website Link to a Great Book - Revealing Bible Mysteries, Exploring the Bedrock of Religion -
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Copyright © 2004-2018 by Steven C. Buren. All rights reserved on all material on all pages in the Website and the book âRevealing Bible Mysteriesâ by Tate Publishing. For information or permission on reprinting material from, please contact the Author, Steven C. Buren. This text may be duplicated for use in classrooms and public speaking, provided the copyright origin information is added from this paragraph.
This page was last updated 07/28/24 by Steven C. Buren