Radio-NID Repeaters History Photos Links Meetings Net
New Radio Club Website -
MONDAY 7pm Weekly Net on the NID Repeater 145.490 offset with 91.5 tone
Monthly Meetings First Tuesday, at 7pm, Independence Bible School Library, 2246 South 10th street
OR - at the Judicial Center Lower Level at 300 E Main, Independence - Contact any member for current info
Just a reminder we will be meeting in the Lower Level
of the Judicial Bldg. in Independence, Ks in the
E.O.C.with Jim Miller at 300 E. Main for some
meetings. We will have an update from the Technical
Guys about the updates on our Repeaters. Will also
continue planning for Field day.
Testing will be available for all classes for
anyone interested. Walk~in's are welcome. Talk~in will
be on our 145.490/91.5 tone repeater. We need your
input for Field Day planning. See ya there!
P.S. We will need testing material from our file cabinet in case anyone shows up for testing.
Dale Russell 704 Church St. Neodesha, Ks 66757
Directions to Tower Site and IARC Club House
From North Penn and Taylor Rd. go west on Taylor Rd. turn Right onto Peter Pan Rd. (North) to County Rd. 4800, Turn Left onto 4800 Rd. and continue west- N.W. past Elk City State Park Entrance on up the winding road, past the 45 MPH SIGN to what is left of a Mail Box and Turn Right at the Metal Gate on the Rock road going East/Southeast to the Tower and Club House & you have arrived at the Club House Site. Talk-in will be on our Club Repeater, 145.490/91.5 tone.
Or from West Main and Peter Pan Road (Wal-Mart & Orschlien Corner) go north on Peter Pan Rd. past Taylor Rd. to 4800 Rd. Turn Left onto 4800 Rd. and continue west, N.-W. past Elk City State Park Entrance on up the winding road, past the 45 MPH SIGN to what is left of a Mail Box and Turn Right at the Metal Gate on the Rock road going East/Southeast to the Tower and Club House & you have arrived at the Club House Site.
Dale Russell 704 Church St. Neodesha, Ks 66757-1443 Enjoying "HAM RADIO"
Join some of the Regulars Gathering for Breakfast on Saturdays at 8:30am at the Down Home Restaurant, 1515 North Penn. in Independence
2014 Field Day - Photos of Riverside Park in Independence Kansas
at the Site of the First Lighted Night Game in Sports (Baseball) History
June 2015 Meeting and Field Day in Coffeyville
To Dale: June 27, 2015
Joint operation of the Amateur Radio Club members from Coffeyville and the Amateur Radio Club members from Independence worked Field Day this year. This took place at the Coffeyville Radio Club building at Pfister Park in Coffeyville (East of the Airplane Museum).
Field Day worked out to be a real pleasurable experience for the Clubs. It was good weather, great band conditions and a lot of new friends. We had Reporter's there from the Caney Chronicle and the Independence Reporter.
Our friends at Valnet in Independence, Kansas volunteered their temporary tower for use at Field Day this year. It is pneumatic powered unit and only takes 35 psi to raise the tower sections. The antenna is at approx 50 feet, but it will go on up to 80 feet. Believe me we sure raised the attention of the passers by in Pfeister Park this weekend.
The generator worked great and Jim's Mobile E.O.C. ran flawless the whole weekend. A very good job to the Indy Club members who have been repairing the Mobile E.O.C.
If you couldn't make it this year, you missed a great weekend.
The Coffeyville Club will be preparing a page on their web site for the pictures from Field Day 2015, as soon as collected from everyone. Attached is a photo of the temporary tower and the Mobile E.O.C. Feel free to forward this on to your members, if you like. Ken - NU0B Picture Page
January 2015 Meeting
We had George with some sad news, Dale share many computer parts, and Don hosted the new elections. The new election posts will be made when I get the names.
November 2014 Meeting
Our meeting in November had a presentation from George Bellairs on the essential structures and complexities of the Repeater Systems and conventional broadcast methods. His PowerPoint Presentation had all the the glitz of video training and the responses were chiming in to support him. Thanks much for the delivery George, and continue to bring us your best to highlight our meetings.
Dale Russell also presented some work that he and his son Mike Russell had done on the club generator. They fabricated a shroud for the generator to shield it from weather and ornery critters. This was costly, at about $70, but it should be a permanent fixture for the club. Here are some views of their finished product.
Fox Hunt (direction finder) Antennas $15
An Antenna Building Party was held by Ham club members this past Sat. Morning in Independence at the QTH of N7CZR. The meeting took place following the weekly club breakfast held at the Down Home Restaurant in Independence, KS. Attendance was sparse only 2 club members, Mike Byers N7CZR and Josh Othniel, KA1EBQ along with "Rich" a co-worker of Mike's and perhaps a potential new club member? Together the three of us built and tested 7 hand held directional homebrew beams made out of metal tape measures, PVC Pipe, Electrical tape, Velcro and coax. The plans were downloaded from the Internet.
A Transmitter Fox Hunt is being planned for a future NØID event.
N0ID Fox Hunt Rules
Fox Hunting by amateur radio operators has been going on for quite some time. Fox Hunting on a regular basis is a way for us to become and remain proficient in Radio Direction Finding (RDF) which can be used to help find lost individuals, aircraft crashes, malicious interference, etc. Take this time to learn some of the best ways to accomplish this task and have some fun doing it.
1. All appropriate means will be used to announce scheduling of the hunt, such as traffic nets, e-mail lists, web page notification, etc. The more participating, the more fun all will have!
2. The Police Department (and or the Sheriff) in each town that we might be hunting in should be notified of our activities, if our presence in the hunt area may draw suspicious persons calls.
3. The Fox Coordinator will be informed of the names of all the hunters at the start of the hunt. If any hunter abandons the hunt, they shall notify the Fox on the coordination the local designated repeater frequency 145.490- pl 91.5Hz , N0ID. 4. The majority of hunters at the starting point MUST hear the hidden transmitter.
5. There may be hunter teams, but each team must travel in the same means of conveyance together and will only converse with each other in person, not over a radio. Different teams will not converse or coordinate with each other during the hunt.
6. Except for difficulties with the hidden transmitter apparatus, reporting of participants to the Fox Coordinator shall begin promptly at the announced start time and place. The hunt shall run until all the hunters are checked in or for a maximum of 2 ½ hours. At the end of 2 hours, the Fox will attempt to contact any lost hunters on 145.490-, or appropriate repeater frequency, and the Fox frequency, and give them some clues so they can get into the area of the Fox. The Fox Coordinator will not give clues until the announced 2-hour time limit has expired. At the expiration of the hunting time (2 ½ hours), the Fox Coordinator and hunters may, at their choice, meet at an agreed upon location to discuss the thrills of the hunt
7. During the hunt, the hunters/hunter teams will not communicate with each other or the Fox Coordinator, except as allowed by the rules. However, if a hunter cannot hear the Fox for a reasonable time at the beginning of the hunt, the hunter may call on the hunt coordination frequency for help from the Fox Coordinator. The Fox Coordinator should not tell when the hunters have found the Fox. Let everyone be able to hunt as if they can still find the Fox first.
8. The hidden transmitter shall be located within Montgomery County and within a 10-mile radius of the starting point which will also be in Montgomery County. The hidden transmitter shall be located on public property or public accessible property. If on private property, it shall be obvious that the general public is allowed to enter, or the Fox shall be easily noticeable from the street. It shall not be more than 500 feet off of a surface that a normal passenger car can be driven. Put some thought into the hiding place to make it a challenge.
9. The hidden transmitter shall cycle with a minimum of 30 seconds transmission every 5 minutes. The hidden transmitter shall not change antennas, antenna height, frequency, or location during the course of the hunt. Power level shall remain constant. Antenna may not be rotated and polarization shall remain constant. The suggested Fox frequency is 146.565 MHz, simplex frequency. Announce the Fox frequency at the start if something different. ____________MHz.
10. The hidden transmitter and antennas shall not be located within a building, nor shall the hunters be required to pass through a building to get to the Fox. Nor shall the hunters be required to enter or pass through property, which is only accessible, by paying a fee.
11. The hidden transmitter or antenna should be within 6 feet of ground level and will not be buried below the grade of the earth. The hidden transmitter shall not be hidden in a location that constitutes a hazard to the hunters. Keep out of poison ivy. Consideration should be given to the general safety of the immediate area.
12. The Fox Coordinator is responsible for the selection of the hidden transmitter location (within Montgomery County) and the operation of the site. The site should be at a reasonable location and distance from the starting point to allow all participating stations the opportunity to complete the hunt.
13. The Fox Coordinator shall keep an accurate account of the starting time of the hunt, and the time and placement each hunter comes in. The Fox Coordinator shall also record the mileage of each hunter (If a mileage type hunt, there must be some means developed before the hunt to address the difference in odometer accuracy on vehicles.).
14. To constitute a find of the Fox, the hunter must remove a numbered tag from either the hidden transmitter, its antenna system, or other item nearby, and report in person to the Fox Coordinator. Each Fox will have tags; take the lowest numbered tag. The hunter's elapsed time will include time taken to report.
15. The winner of the hunt will get first choice to place the Fox at the next hunt.
16. The Fox Coordinator MUST announce any changes from these rules, at the start time.
17. All Fox Hunting individuals/teams will abide by all appropriate rules of the road and be safe in all aspects of the hunt. Penalties for improper behavior are at the discretion of the Fox Coordinator.
Contact Don W5FFK for details!
Scanner Info
Morgan County Sheriff Band Base 155.570 (individuals generally 155.550 to 155.570) Independence Police Band Base 460.400 (individuals generally 460.350 to 460.450)
Citizens Band Radio The degrading of a good technology
The ham Radio environment use to include the Citizen Band Radio frequencies, and probably still does in some ways. But the CB spectrum has changed considerably in the past few decades. This used to be a great communications tool, and easy to acquire and common to first time users of an FCC license. Now days it is not required for many of these frequencies to hold a license, but it has degraded into CB Slang Bangers that have a dialect that leans to very regional phrases. This is far from English, and offensive to many who are maintaining a GP (general public) rating. Still, this was my only option as a novice before acquiring a license, and it was used because of my handheld communications with others that I use while kayaking and romping through the woods. Most folks would use text on cell phones now days, but that is very impersonal to me, and I avoided getting a cell phone because I considered them to be annoying. Old dog with Old tricks I guess, but that is my opinion. Send me your thoughts, it will get a mention.
Commentary by: Steve Buren, Host of
Special Topics for Discussion
If you can't fix it; Don't break it!
The first rule of intelligent tinkering; Save all the parts!
Please make yourself at home.. do the dishes.
Never purge files after three sleepless nights.
DON'T STEAL, MAIM, CORRUPT, or KILL! The government doesn't like the competition!
Vegetarians eat only vegetables. Beware of humanitarians!
Plants are the best form of brain-food: You really ought to try it sometime!
We agree that 2+2=4; these are absolute truths, and not a system of logic. Take two drops of water; add two drops; how many drops do we have now?
Polls show that 18 out of 7 schizophrenics agree!
If you liked chemical pollution; you'll love genetic pollution!
When 911 won't work, a .357 will!
Too much money? Get married or run a website!
I am not a complete idiot! Several parts are missing.
68.3% of all statistics are false! Certified to a 3.7% margin of error...
Money talks, but all mine ever says is goodbye!
Recipients will be blessed with a choice of: (A) Extended life expectancy (B) A reprieve from all moral codes (C) Sudden cranial hair growth LIMIT: 1 choice only!!!
Ever stop to think and forget to start again?
Two most common elements in the universe: Hydrogen & Stupidity.
BTW, if you don't drive a pickup, what do you do with your empties?
Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.
Love is grand, but Divorce is a hundred grand!
Information is very valuable, but disinformation is much more common.
Home is where you can scratch any place that itches!
I tried to contain myself, but I escaped.
I was educated once, but I got over it.
What if there were no hypothetical situations?
My karma just ran over your dogma. Start whine-pout sequence? (Y/N)
I studied Chinese philosophy, an hour later I was wondering again!
Sometimes I wake up grouchy; most times I let her sleep.
Being punctual makes people think you have nothing to do!
Don't question authority; it doesn't know either!
A red nose can be the result of sunshine or moonshine.
Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.
I have a mind like a steel uh thingamajig
FOR SALE: 1 set of morals, rarely used, will sell cheap.
Bill of Rights: now void where prohibited by law.
I only snore when I know she's listening.
A man after 30 years in accounting, was replaced by a computer. The sad part is that his wife went out and bought one!
For N0ID QSL's, Contact: Don Moore, Club President, PO BOX 505 Independence, KS 67301 |
Radio-NID Repeaters History Photos
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Copyright © 2004-2018 by Steven C. Buren. All rights reserved on all material on all pages in the Website and the book “Revealing Bible Mysteries” by Tate Publishing. For information or permission on reprinting material from, please contact the Author, Steven C. Buren. This text may be duplicated for use in classrooms and public speaking, provided the copyright origin information is added from this paragraph.
This page was last updated 03/05/18 by Steven C. Buren