Radio-NĜID Repeaters History Photos Links Meetings Net
New Radio Club Website - nĜ
-- NET MONDAY 7pm Weekly on the NĜID Repeater
145.490 offset with 91.5 tone
Monthly Meetings First Tuesday, at 7pm, Independence Bible School Library, 2246 South 10th street
OR - at the Judicial Center Lower Level at 300 E Main, Independence - Contact any member for current info
The IARC voted this past Tuesday to move the weekly Thursday night Net
to Monday nights at 7:00 PM local time. The Net can be found on
145.490/91.50 Tone. This move was done in order to retain Josh Othniel,
KA1EBQ as the Net Control operator. Josh's work hours have recently
changed and he can no longer be available on Thursday evenings.
Net activities are the scheduled discussions on specific sites
Generally a Net activity is a conference forum that replaces periodic face to face gatherings. Talking to your local Amateur Radio Operators is easy on a scheduled Net discussion, and this is a good way to discover your region's enthusiasts. The Nets are also occasionally used for public service activities, like 10k races, city festivals, and general organization communications.
The events are open to the public, and other local sites of South-East Kansas can post their Net activities and topics here at no cost, by emailing the NĜID Radio Club's web-site host.
Hi Jason: (Email sent 11-20-2014) 73 Ken - NUĜB |
Tech Net - East Coast Reflector Time: Every Tuesday night at 8pm Eastern.
This net is to help answer all of your technical questions. It doesnt have to be just about ham radio; it could be anything technology related such as computers or electronics. Even if you dont have a technical question, we invite you to just check in. So dont be a stranger. Grab that mic and check in every Tuesday! You never know, we may just have an answer to your question. Tonight at 7 pm CST on N0PGI AllStar Node 29875 *147.570 * CTCSS 162.2* Cherryvale
Note: the net has changed to Mondays at 7pm, but this article has been saved to identify the NOID Net start date.
Our First Net Event for 2014 Thursday 8pm Networking on the NĜID Repeater 145.490 offset with 91.5 tone
On Thursday July 24th, Josh Othniel, KA1EBQ became the Net Control Operator of the revived NĜID Thursday night repeater Open Talk Net. The Thursday night Talk Net had been a staple on the Independence repeater with Paul Vaughn, KB0NYA serving as the Net Control Operator until the Net ceased operation due to a lack of active participation. Josh had previously expressed an interest in reviving the net and was encouraged by club members to jump in and take the lead, thats just what he did last Thursday evening.
The net began with station checking in with Net Control by giving their individual station call signs. Several locals including a ham from Coffeyville, KS checked in. Josh then turned the Net over to Mike Byers, N7CZR, a local Elmer (A seasoned Ham operator that is willing and able to pass on their knowledge and skills), to share his expertise on antenna systems, a subject of great interest to the newly licensed ham operators in the Independence Amateur Radio Club. Although the Net was scheduled to run for an hour, 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM the Net was held over thirty minutes due to the number of enthusiastic follow up questions.
All licensed Hams are encouraged to tune in next Thursday at 8pm for round two of the N0ID Talk Net. Anyone who would like to propose a topic of discussion in advance is welcome to do so by e-mailing Net Control at no later than Wednesday evening. Your topics, questions and announcements will be reviewed; NOTE: Net Control reserves the right to screen out any topics, questions or announcements that are deemed inappropriate for sharing on the air. All topic, questions or announcements that are cleared will be shared as time allows. Next Thursdays proposed tech discussion will be on Antenna and Station Grounding & Bonding with N7CZR, Mike Byers.
73s we look forward to hearing from you.
Note: the net has changed to Mondays at 7pm, but this article has been saved to identify the NOID Net start date. |
For NĜID QSL's, Contact: Don Moore, PO BOX 505 Independence, KS 67301 |
Radio-NĜID Repeaters History Photos
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Copyright İ 2004-2018 by Steven C. Buren. All rights reserved on all material on all pages in the Website and the book Revealing Bible Mysteries by Tate Publishing. For information or permission on reprinting material from, please contact the Author, Steven C. Buren. This text may be duplicated for use in classrooms and public speaking, provided the copyright origin information is added from this paragraph.
This page was last updated 03/05/18 by Steven C. Buren