Radio-NĜID Repeaters History Photos Links Meetings Net
New Radio Club Website - nĜ
Link to Photos-2, the Field Days of 2012 & 2013
-- NET MONDAY 7pm Weekly on the NĜID Repeater
145.490 offset with 91.5 tone
Monthly Meetings First Tuesday, at 7pm, Independence Bible School Library, 2246 South 10th street
OR - at the Judicial Center Lower Level at 300 E Main, Independence - Contact any member for current info
This is the Second Page of the 2014 Field day Photos. Since we had so many great shots, the images have been reduced to a 400 x 280 size. For the larger versions with greater detail, email Steve at or get the originals from the photographers Mike Byers and Dale Russell.
Raising the antenna tower, three weeks ago we spent all day rigging the winch and tower assembly.
Rigging the antenna, some of these photos are out of sequence, so look around for details.
Assembly of the elements and hoisting the array.
Raise a little, then attach more stuff.
With the rig upright, guy wires kept it stable in the Storm that came later.
Meanwhile, the long wire antennas were attached to the upper railing of the Shulthis Stadium.
An American flag was attached, but quickly became tangled in the mix of wires until the breezes came up.
Don is rigging and Ron is hoisting another long wire to the Stadium Rails.
As they used to say in Arkansas, "It runs on batteries and electricity too!" We had plenty of power at the 4-H building, but this is part of the exercise to provide field power. This 5 Kilowatt CCW Onan Generator was donated to The Independence Amateur Radio Club when the Pipeline Division of British Petroleum in Independence, Ks. was closed in the middle 1990's. There were several HAMs that worked in the Pipeline Division of British Petroleum. It was a Stationary Unit and later the Club put it on the Trailer for portable use. We now have Plenty of Power for Field Day Exercises. Thank You B P. Josh is tinkering with something. Paul is touring our news photographer and son through our experiments. The Storm put us on standby through parts of the evening. Jason is making contacts.
Don is tinkering with the reporter's Hallicrafters S-38 vintage radio.
Ron is rigging grounds and power lines. Some shots of our equipment on site, this might be Don's rigs.
Each Storm came in heavier than the last. We had at least four waves that increasingly got stronger.
Josh and Toby taking exams and Dale, Don, Paul and Ron checking the scores.
Well, I guess we saved the best for last. Toby is working his exam sheet, Ron is sorting the forms for mailing to the FCC, and Don is making contacts. Thanks for looking at the IARC Field Day Photos Independence Amateur Radio Club of Kansas Our Callsign is NĜID We plan to do it again next year!
For N0ID QSL's, Contact: Don Moore, PO BOX 505 Independence, KS 67301 |
Radio-NĜID Repeaters History Photos
Link to Photos-2, the Field Days of 2012 & 2013
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Copyright İ 2004-2018 by Steven C. Buren. All rights reserved on all material on all pages in the Website and the book Revealing Bible Mysteries by Tate Publishing. For information or permission on reprinting material from, please contact the Author, Steven C. Buren. This text may be duplicated for use in classrooms and public speaking, provided the copyright origin information is added from this paragraph.
This page was last updated 03/05/18 by Steven C. Buren