Radio-NØID Repeaters History Photos Links Meetings Net
New Radio Club Website - nØ
-- NET MONDAY 7pm Weekly on the NØID Repeater
145.490 offset with 91.5 tone
Monthly Meetings First Tuesday, at 7pm, Independence Bible School Library, 2246 South 10th street
OR - at the Judicial Center Lower Level at 300 E Main, Independence - Contact any member for current info
Independence is located Latitude 37.22` North Longitude 97.71` West
Click on the map to get a larger view of Kansas
147.015 Repeater;
Compiled & updated by Kenneth L Herring - WØHLK
--- --- --- GOOD NEWS, The Hamtronics CAT 250 Repeater that the Independence Amateur Radio Club has owned for several years is back on the Air in it's original location at the ARCO Building in Independence. The Frequency is 147.015 with a 91.5 tone. This gives the Independence area 2 Repeaters on 2 Meters. We will try to keep everyone up to date on all of the developments about "HAM RADIO" in Area.
N7CZR, Mike , W5 FFK, Don and KA1EBQ, Josh, got the repeater installed last Fri. evening. Mike and Don have made some improvements to the Repeater and the Antenna system, Also they have changed the 110V power wiring to make it more reliable.
There is still some tweaking to be done on the Repeater but it is up and running and sounds good. The 147.015 Freq. was used on the linking system that was used to link Fredonia, Independence & Neodesha together but that system has since been discontinued. Spread the word about getting this Repeater back on the air with the 147.015 Freq. Feel free to use this repeater and give it some exercise. Don't forget it requires the 91.5 Tone.
Dale Russell 12-15-2014
Hi Jason: (Email sent 11-20-2014) 73 Ken - NUØB |
Note: the net has changed to Mondays at 7pm, but this article has been saved to identify the NOID Net start date.
Thursday 8pm Weekly Net on the NØID Repeater 145.490 offset with 91.5 tone
On Thursday July 24th, 2014 Josh Othniel KA1EBQ hosted the first NØID radio networking show. Josh had patrons of the local radio club call in for tech questions on Ham Radio and open topics. He did a very professional job from 8pm to about 9:30. Some of our tech experts were on hand to provide walk through instructions and insights. Mike Byers N7CZR gave a wonderful analysis of antenna J-Pole systems, feedlines, and fine tuning methods with an in-depth engineering report. This was as good or better than the Ham Nation gigs because Mike and Josh stayed on point to the questions from locals and other cities that called in with specific questions. Some of the discussions came from Dale Russell KBØWIZ,
George Bellairs KBØZZT, Jason Wright KDØYEP, and Russell Fernandez
NØPGI, there were others, so send a list and it will get posted.
Tune in next Thursday 8pm for round two, and prepare your questions for the open discussions. A slightly different version of this text is listed on the NET page, edited by Josh.
Note: the net has changed to Mondays at 7pm, but this article has been saved to identify the NOID Net start date.
Tech Net - East Coast Reflector Time: Every Tuesday night at 8pm Eastern.
This net is to help answer all of your technical questions. It doesn’t have to be just about ham radio; it could be anything technology related such as computers or electronics. Even if you don’t have a technical question, we invite you to just check in. So don’t be a stranger. Grab that mic and check in every Tuesday! You never know, we may just have an answer to your question. Tonight at 7 pm CST on N0PGI AllStar Node 29875 *147.570 * CTCSS 162.2* – Cherryvale
Independence Kansas |
Fredonia, 22 mi NNW of Indy |
If you are attending our club meeting for testing, talk in on the Club Repeater 145.490-Offset with 91.5 Tone Licensing fee: $15.00. We provide testing for Technician, General, and Extra. |
Notified that Fredonia Repeater is DOWN
The Club has another Repeater Frequency in the area |
repeater So that our members can find it Send info to anyone on our History page or directly to the Host, Steven Buren |
Notified that Neodesha Repeater is DOWN
also linked to
Area through a 440 link with the same Frequency,
Russell Fernandez-N0PGI Cherryvale Allstar Node PDF flyer
N0PGI AllStar Link 2-MeterSimplex Node 147.570 Mhz 162.2 CTCSS Allstar Link Node# 29875 Cherryvale, Kansas 60 Watts (10-20 mile local range from Cherryvale) Talk all over the USA and world using an ordinary 2-Meter transceiver. (This is a simplex node only-not a repeater. There is no offset. You must let the node signal drop before attempting to transmit. Allow 3- 4 seconds between transmissions.) Simplex Node N0PGI is usually connected full-time to the WIN System which is based in Los Angeles, CA. It is a very busy system. It runs on IRLP Reflector 9100. You can almost always find someone to talk to, day and night. It covers much of California, and is linked full time to 71 repeaters in 16 states and 4 countries around the world. There are also any number of IRLP and Allstar simplex nodes connected at any one time.
For NØID QSL's, Contact: Don Moore, PO BOX 505 Independence, KS 67301
Radio-NØID Repeaters History Photos
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Copyright © 2004-2019 by Steven C. Buren. All rights reserved on all material on all pages in the Website and the book “Revealing Bible Mysteries” by Tate Publishing. For information or permission on reprinting material from, please contact the Author, Steven C. Buren. This text may be duplicated for use in classrooms and public speaking, provided the copyright origin information is added from this paragraph.
This page was last updated 05/08/19 by Steven C. Buren