The Prairie Writers
Group is a gathering of local writers that meet the third
Wednesday each month at 2pm. We share a brief article
assignment on seasonal or inspired topics. This group originated
from the writer of Little House on the Prairie, Laura Ingalls, and
historic prairie cabin exists about eleven miles southwest of
our Library. The bottom of this page has a list of some of my articles, and
most were Biblically related pieces. These were done
specifically for the meeting assignments, but they also added
some research to "Revealing Bible Mysteries."
Library Meetings!!!!
be held at the Independence Library, the THIRD Wednesday of
each month at 2pm.
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Hey! Do you remember the movies Back to the Future 1,2, & 3?
The flying cars, hover-boards, brain chips, food hydrators, and 3D images?
That was the year 2015!
Are these things becoming real to you Yet?
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Prairie Writers Events
These random topics are assigned as exercises
given at our monthly meetings to deliver at the next months
gathering. We just write in the title decided each month and
magically fill in the blank page. Even when we have a month to
create the story, it still seem like a chore until we get
started. The pages are not mandatory, they just give a
perspective of different styles and approaches. There is no club
to join: Listeners, gawkers, and pastries are welcome at these
open meetings.

Some examples of our group activities
The Article to write for the
September 2015 meeting is a story on:
Relocation or Dislocation.
The Article to write for the
August 2015 meeting is a story on:
Do you
ever think we should just stop doing this?
The Article to write for the
May 2015 meeting is a story on:
Day in May a May Day.
The Article to write for the January 2015 meeting is a story on:
Speculative Stories -
This involves using facts to change a historical event.
Much like a conspiracy theory or a what if - current or past.
Some of my sample stories from the monthly
A Different Ending, The
assignment was to make a different ending for the story of
Joseph and Mary. This is the summary of the story derived from
outline that is in "A Different Ending-2." This was updated
3-6-2014, for only the outline was posted on the website 2011
A Different Ending-2, is a
cryptic outline of Bible and historic statements that identify
the date of the Messiah's birth, December 2011.
A Writer's Goal, outlines of
some club members, with a brief insight on how they personally
effect the focus of meetings, February 2012.
Spring Green, is a recognition
of nature in the warming season, March 2012.
Unknowns and Never Knowing,
examines our approach to finding the truth in the snares of
deception, August 2012.
Not this Christmas - Responding
to a flurry of public medias trying to promote some traditional
fantasies, we decided to express a different viewpoint. December
Prairie Writers Monthly - Another
simple reflection of the personalities in one of our monthly
meeting of the Prairie Writers group. June 2013
Treasure in the Keys - We were
instructed to write a short story using four
randomly assigned items. (railroad tracks) (velvet curtain)
(hard sacrifice) (ships captain) This was supposed to force me to
write fiction, but it came out to be true. July 2013
She Thinks She's My Cat - One of the men
at the February meeting (not me!) was in a
crosstalk discussion, and made a remark that stilled the air. I
caught part of it, and Cherilyn jumped in with; "That is our
topic for the next month." We are to write a story on "She
thinks that she is my girlfriend." Personally, I thought
that this would be a suicidal topic if my "other friends" read
it, no matter how it was labeled. So my article title got a minor
topic modification to protect me from future back-peddling skirmishes. March
The August 2014 topic is to use four words in a story (Window, Desk, Tree, and Light). When I wrote a piece in a coffee shop, it had a different feel from my normal styles, and then someone sent me an email with a photo that kicked me into writing something else. So here are two entries for the August topics.
Ane Mae's Establishment was written first, then
Gas Prices was inspired by another writer.
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A Variety of Reading
Spider Bite - A true story
of a Brown Recluse bite on my leg in summer of 2016. This is
just a reference for what to expect, or what the symptoms are of
the event. There is no cure in the medical field, so you just
have to manage. It was a powerful experience.
Panama &
Mexico Beach Hurricane pdf Florida Hurricane of Oct
10, 2018
only Version 182k of
the day before to 20-days after the
Panama Hurricane-2 pdf
Same file
5.3meg With Photos
- Handling & Training
- 12 Week Training Schedule. An adventure of study in Dog Training with
Norfolk & Suffolk Virginia Police Department in the mid 1970's. My experience proved; it is harder to retrain Dog
& Owner, after poor habits are developed, so start early.
Aesop-Fables.pdf – 620-560
BC, at Time of Daniel. Short Stories implying Wisdom of the
An astonishing part in reading these Fables was
to find many phrases and quotes that are considered
great components of literature which originated
in these simple scripts.
* Birds of a feather flock
together * Once upon a time * One turn deserves another * bell
the cat *
* Much ado about nothing * Do not
count your chickens before they are hatched *
* Wolf in Sheep's Clothing * With
all your might * remedy that is worse than the disease *
* enough to spoil the appetite *
Every man for himself * as good as ever * buy this & I’ll throw
that in
* Woe is me
(from Bible)*
master of his own fate * learn from the misfortunes of others *
* Fair weather friends * Necessity is the mother of
invention * It is easy to kick a man that is down *
* Look before you leap * A man is
known by the company he keeps * Any excuse will serve a tyrant *
* a hot summer's day * No
gratitude from the wicked * one bad turn deserves another *
* Appearances are deceptive * United we stand, divided we
fall * Little by little does the trick *
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The Prairie Writers Page was created for the
Writers Group of Independence, Kansas that normally meet in the library on the third
Wednesday of each month at 2pm.
(email for possible changes)
There are also the Night Writers Group of Cherryvale, Kansas that normally meet in the Cherryvale library on the first Tuesday each month at 6pm.
We can have a different format for the topics if there is feedback to this site.
Suggestions will help in this process.
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A Photo walk through of the Astra Arts Festival
An Annual Literary Event in Independence, Kansas
July 6, 2014, at downtown Independence, Kansas
the local Self Published Authors were presented at
Celebrity Hall of Fame 212 N. Penn Avenue for sales, signing and discussions.
Click on the title to see a great collection of photos for that event.